LinkedIn Business Page

LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional network!

Many people use it to build their own business network but more and more companies are creating a Business Page so they can showcase what the company specialises in. It is an effective way to promote the company’s most important news – be it new products, great services or awards.  By posting news and articles regularly through your business page you will begin to build brand awareness and establish a public image of the company as being trustworthy and reputable. Promoting your company on LinkedIn is an effective way to generate new business leads and nurture referrals and drive traffic to your company website.

There are so many reasons why your business should have a LinkedIn Business page.

  1. It’s free!
  2. LinkedIn is renowned for it’s B2B and B2C network. LinkedIn makes finding vendors, suppliers, staff, and 3rd party resources simpler.
  3. Google and other search engines rank LinkedIn company pages highly in SEO results. Announcing new products and news on LinkedIn, creating posts that are optimised for SEO and using Keywords you want to be found with, all means more possibilities for your business to be found on a search engine search.
  4. With a LinkedIn page, you can help your company stand out from your competitors. Share company news and what the company values are and what company culture is like.
  5. By producing good content that people want to share, you will expand the global reach and influence of the company.

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